Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness

Training Programs for the Workplace and HR Managers

You have the needs. We have the solutions.

Introducing the ICARE Certified Facilitator in Addiction Awareness Training Programs

Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness

ICARE Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness (CFAA) training prepares individuals to lead and facilitate conversations around substance misuse, addiction, and recovery in the workplace. Certified Facilitators are empowered to deliver webinars and/or workshops that create psychological safety and raise awareness in order to heal the sickness of silence that exists within the workplace relating to substance misuse and addiction.

Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness - HR

ICARE Certified Facilitator Addiction Awareness training for HR Management (CFAA-HR).
This presents all the training material that is in the CFAA + 6 hours of additional HR specific training on topics such as Understanding Drug Use and Addiction, Substance Misuse & Workplace Culture, and Creating a Recovery Supportive Workplace.


ICARE Training Programs for the Workplace and HR Managers