ICARE Workforce Resources

Fran Dean-Bishop, Founder & CEO of Aerobodies Inc., has recently released the WellTeamCulture© signature membership program, uniquely curated for business leaders to strategically integrate wellbeing and professional development, resulting in thriving cultures and people.
If you feel tired of facing high turnover, employee burnout, rising healthcare costs, and being outperformed by your competitors, reach out to our partners at Aerobodies to start building a legacy of success!
- Alcohol Rehab Help
- American Society of Addiction Medicine
- Employment Guide for People in Recovery
- Faces & Voices of Recovery
- Game Quitters
- lendedu (financial assistance for people in Recovery
- Medicare Plans (coverage for substance use)
- Mental Wellness – The Adam Project
- Music Cares (sponsored by Grammys)
- If Not You, The Who? Harness Your Strengths To Shift From Addiction To Abundance by Harless, Jesse
- Time Magazine Special Edition: The Science of Addiction
- Craig Naaken: The Addictive Personality
- Craig Naaken: Reclaim Your Family from Addiction
- Jack Canfield: The 30-Day Sobriety Solution
- Dr. Al Mooney: The Recovery Book (2nd Ed)
- Melody Beattie: Codependent No More
- Sobers Moms Guide to Recovery
Federal Laws Regarding Substance Misuse and Addiction
Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988: US Dept of H&HS – SAMHSA:
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Sections 501 and 505) Drug and Illegal Use of Drugs:
Americans With Disabilities Act of 1991: The ADA, Addiction and Recovery (A Fact Sheet):
ADA and Rehabilitation Act: Drug & Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA)
Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991: Overview of Drug & Alcohol Rules for Employers:
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008: Consumer Information & Insurance Factsheet for Mental Health or Substance Use Disorder:
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA): The Affordable Care Act Transformation of Substance Use Disorder Article (2017):
- Drug-Free Workplace Policy: SAMHSA samhsa.gov/workplace/toolkit/develop-policy
- Sample Corporate Policy on Drug & Alcohol Abuse: Minnesota Safety Council: minnesotasafetycouncil.org/facts/factsheet_pdf
- Toxic Workplace Cultures Hurt Workers and Company Profits: SHRM Article and Research Study: July 2019:
shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations - Top 11 EAP Providers as of January 2020: myshortlister.com/eap-providers/vendor-list
- Hispanic American Mental Health Disparities Report (En Espanol): Las Disparidades Raciales en el Tratamiento de la Salud Mental | Recursos para los Latinos (helpadvisor.com)
- What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic? drugrehab.com/addiction/alcohol/high-functioning-alcoholics/

Three Credentials to Change Lives & Advance Your Career:
✪ CFAA – Certified Facilitator in Addiction Awareness
✪ CPRC (Certified Professional Recovery Coach) LEARN MORE
✪ CPC – Certified Professional Coach LEARN MORE
✪ Individual Courses Available: netinstitute.org